So this opportunity came up and I seriously considered doing it for some extra cash. It wasn't anything huge at all. I was simply thinking of joining a popular direct selling company as a representative doing home parties.
Now for those that know me, you know that I'm not really a "people person". I'm not bubbly or effervescent. I don't have the demeanor I think you need in order to stand up in front of people and get them interested in the products enough to generate sales. That's just not me. I'm more of a people watcher than a people exciter. I knew this would be the hardest hurdle for me to get over.
So I did a lot of wondering and pondering. What finally was the sticking point with me was exactly how much of my time I would have to devote to this endeavor to get it started. I already work a full time job an hour away from our home. Basically the only time I get to spend with Bean during the week is a few hours in the evenings. If I were to start with this company, I would need to devote my weekends to traveling around giving home shows. Weekends are my Bean time.
I'm sure if I were successful I would eventually get to the place where I could reduce the amount of weekend time spent doing these parties, and ultimately, I might get to the point where my full time job wasn't needed any longer.
But at this time in my life, I've decided I want to be selfish. While there may be great rewards awaiting me if I were to work really hard at this opportunity, I feel that my greatest rewards are going to be found in the time I can spend with Bean.
Is that a cop out? On some levels, it might be. But she will only be this age for a short time. I figure that this opportunity isn't going any where. I might revisit it in a few years when Bean is a little older. Right now I want to be selfish and spend my weekends laughing with my daughter and making memories.
I think you are making a great choice, save it for when you have all the time you need to devote to getting it off the ground. :)
I think, on the general whole, our society spends way too much time working. It's such a shame that so many really do have to. I think it's great that you realize you need this time with Bean. It's so important when they are little. :)
I think I would do the same. I wouldn't want to sacrifice the time away.
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