Monday, May 16, 2011

Meet Me on Monday

I'm participating in another Meet Me On Monday sponsored by Never Growing Old.

Here are this week's questions:

1. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
2. What is your favorite color Rose?
3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
4. What is your favorite season?
5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
My Answers!

1. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

I only like Peter Pan Creamy Peanut Butter. Other brands taste either too old or too peanutty to me. Peter Pan is smooth tasting to me. I've been able to completely overlook that whole contaminated thing they had going on.

2. What is your favorite color rose?

Hmmm...favorite color? Favorite color? Well, okay, you guessed it. Pink.

3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
No, we don't do this.  In fact, I had never thought to do this or that it was even okay to ask people to do this until we visited some friends.  I thought "whoa, I'm allowed to ask folks to take their shoes off before they come into MY home?"  Wha????  I understand this all better now that I have a child.  I'm more in tune with the germy side of life that I never even thought of before.  I don't practice this at home but completely understand others that do so.  Heck, even Bean's school asks that you supply an extra set of shoes that are only worn inside.  Gosh, until this post, I hadn't even wondered if the ones we took at the beginning of the year still fit her.  Hmmm...oh well, she can shove her toesies in them for two more weeks! 

4. What is your favorite season?  
Spring is my favorite season.  All the flowers start to come back, the time changes, and all of the candy in the store is pastel colored.  I "lubs" it. 

5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
 This really fluctuates.  I have tried to make myself blog once a day Monday through Friday.  Some weeks I hit this goal, most weeks I don't.  Also, my really good posts, or what I think are good, come to me in spurts.  Something will just hit me and I'll start typing like crazy.  And then I'll have more days where I just sit and stare at the keyboard.  I try to read other blogs daily but lately I've fallen behind on that, too.  It all just depends on what's going on in our lives, I guess. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you about blogging. I really want to post something awesome (or kinda awesome) during the week or read/respond, but lately I have been seriously slacking.