But this weekend had me ready to run to the nearest fully stocked bar I could find. We have officially hit the Terrible Twos. I hate the Terrible Twos.
Bean's favorite phrase must be "No Mommy" because she never tires of saying it. And all that crap about "use your words" or "use your inside voice" means nothing to her.
She has no clue how close she came to getting listed on Craigslist.
lol, listed on craigs list! Im going to have to use that one
Too funny.....good thing that's illegal or Bean might be in trouble. (PS: If you think 2's bad just WAIT til she's 3!!!). :)
Ohhhh yeah! Kyndra has gotten a little more 'terrible' lately. She throws more fits when she doesn't get her way!
Oh my... Craigs list...no Ebay ? LOL
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