Bean enjoyed her first "last week of school" last week. Her school had a year-end celebration that included a bouncy house, carnival games and temporary tattoos. That tattoo is still hanging around. I am beginning to wonder if it is temporary.
We celebrated Memorial Day by attending a parade in a neighboring town. I would love to share some pictures with you but I honestly didn't even think about taking any. I think my "mommy brain" is in full effect. How do you forget to chronicle your child's first ever Memorial Day parade? I think I was still wrapped up in my grief over my beloved laptop.
I made some really pretty thank you gifts for Bean's teachers. I will share those with you when I can. They were super easy and well received.
I have enrolled in an online training course to learn how to use the Montessori method with Bean on my own. I really believe in this teaching method and while I'll never be able to homeschool her or really delve into Montessori with her like she can experience at a school, I want to be able to share lessons with her as she gets older. Of course, the dead laptop isn't helping this little mission of mine but hopefully I can keep up during my lunch hours. If not, I'll just have to be an online drop out. There's worse things, I guess.
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.
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